Who won at Sizzlefest 2019?

Well, it was sizzle by name and by nature at our very first Sizzlefest!

Thanks to everyone who came along and braved the heat.

Unfortunately, the extreme weather meant we had some last-minute program changes – including no fire pit – we apologise for any inconvenience caused on the day.

We hope you managed to enjoy some of the smells, tastes and cooking demos all the same.

A big thank you to goes out to Chef Bente Grysbaek for her demos and tastings on fire pit cooking out in Market Square, as well as Prahran Market Ambassador Tobie Puttock who was on the mic. Jonathan from Hagen’s Organic Butcher entertained with his talk all about T-Bone, as well as Paul from Blackhearts & Sparrows who gave a few tips about delicious barbecue drinks (you can read about those over here).  And to the many Traders who served up grilled eats and special tastings during the event we say a big cheers!

The results of the inaugural Prahran Market Best Market Grill Competition are:

  1. Wasshoi for their oh-so-tasty Twice Cooked Pork Belly Don dish – Congrats!
  2. Paddlewheel for their Kooweerup Sweet Corn barbecued on the cob
  3. Lee’s Asian Grocer with Tamarind Tree with their BBQ Mushroom skewers

We also have a special judges’ mention going to Libertea’s cold brewed houjicha tea – which paired beautifully with the BBQ eats on the day.

The results of our fifth annual Best Market Sausage Competition are:

1st –  Ian’s Meats has won the best Market snag for 2019 – Congratulations!  Ian’s winning sausage variety was Lamb, Honey, and Rosemary.

Ian's Meats

2nd –  J&L Meats with their spicy (and delicious) Hot Calabrese snags

J & L Meats

3rd – Kevin’s Poultry who entered a very tasty Duck, Pork & Fennel sausage.

Kevin's Poultry

Here’s a full list of all the sausages that featured in this year’s comp and where you can find them in at Prahran Market.

1. Duck, Pork & Fennel – Kevin’s Poultry
2. Hot Calabrese – J & L Butchers
3. Chicken, Coriander, Garlic & Spices – D & J Poultry
4. Italian Wild Boar – John Cester’s 
5. Lamb, Honey & Rosemary – Ian’s Meats
6. French Toulouse Sausage with McIvor Farm Berkshire Pork – Hagen’s Organics
7. Wagyu – Neil’s Meats
8. Loukanika – Gary’s Quality Meats
9. Chicken, Lemon & Oregano – Arthur’s Quality Poultry
10. Fresh Chorizo – Barossa Fine Foods

You can check out a few pics from the event here.

See you at the Market!

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