5 Cuts of Steak You Should Know About

Talking Steak with Oliver Hagen

With so many cuts of steak to choose from in a variety of different shapes and sizes, it’s easy to become overwhelmed when choosing the right cut – especially when entertaining. We decided to get some expert advice from one of our most prestigious butchers Oliver Hagen (Hagen’s Organics), so that next time you head to your butcher to choose your cuts, you’re armed and ready to go!

1. Porterhouse
One of the most popular steak varieties, the porterhouse is known for its size and thickness. It’s cut from the sirloin, which is the rear part of the animal’s back and is essentially an oversized T-bone steak. The good thing about the porterhouse is it contains a nice bit of fat, which is going to give you a rich full bodied flavour. The best part? It can be cooked any way you like so whether you’re barbecuing, grilling, frying or roasting, you’re going to end up with a deliciously tender cut of meat with just a little bit of chew. “You’ll find the porterhouse on a lot of menus due to the versatility. It’s a tasty cut of steak that should always be lean on the inside,” says Oliver.

2. Ribeye
An extremely flavourful cut of steak (and Oliver’s personal fave), the ribeye on the bone, is taken from the ‘four quarter’ or front of the animal which has the most flavour – and probably the most fat! But when it’s all in the name of taste, it’s completely acceptable, right? “You’re going to get a lot of flavour in a cut of rib eye due to the intra-muscle fat that keeps the meat moist,” he says. The best way to have ribeye according to Oliver? “Rare, always rare.”

3. Scotch Fillet
Did you know the scotch fillet is essentially the same as a rib eye, just off the bone? Yep, it’s also just as tasty!
But be careful when picking the size of your scotch fillet as it can be a little hard to manage. “I recommend looking for a piece that’s about 2cms in thickness, it’ll be a lot easier to cook that way.”

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4. Rump
Just because rump steak might be a cheaper cut than the rest, doesn’t mean it’s the least tasty – not at all. Rump is taken from the back of the cow and is characterised as being rather lean. “Rump steak has a really nice flavour, it’s just that people often overcook it, he says. “I’d always recommend cooking rump rare or medium rare. It’s got the tenderness of a porterhouse but it’s own unique taste and texture and shouldn’t be overlooked.”

5. Onglet
Perhaps the most trendy of steak cuts at the moment, the Onglet cut is found within the body skirt of the animal and is sometimes referred to has ‘hanger steak’. It has a rich flavour and doesn’t need long to cook at all. “I think onglet steak is becoming more popular because it has all the aspects of slow cooked meat but can be cooked in a fraction of the time,” says Oliver.


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Tips for Cooking your Steak:

Cooking steak really depends on the thickness of the cut of meat, but as a general rule, for a steak that’s about 2 – 2 ½ cms thick, you’ll achieve Medium Rare buy cooking it for 3 minutes on each side. Add or subtract a minute to achieve less or more.

So how does Oliver have his steak? “Rib-eye cooked rare, served with Brussel sprouts fried with bacon, alongside mashed potato. I keep it simple with hot English mustard and a glass of red.” Delish.

To find out more about Hagen’s Organics, check out Oliver’s trader profile video.

Image credits:
Hagen’s Organics (1-6)
Paulina Meat Market (7)

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