Melbourne's #1 Food Market

Barbecue and Butchery

Next On: N/A

Jim Johnson


1pm and 3pm


Omega and Neil Perry Kitchen



Barbecue and Butchery featuring Jim Johnson and Gary McBean – proudly bought to you by the Yak Ales Melbourne Barbecue Festival

Join internationally renowned, American barbecue pitmaster Jim Johnson, and award-winning master butcher Gary McBean at Prahran Market on Saturday 26 November 2016 for demonstrations to help hone your home grilling techniques (1pm; repeated at 3pm in the Omega and Neil Perry Kitchen).

Gary will showcase butchery at its best, while Jim will prep, cook and have your taste-buds delight on some BBQ favourites with accompanying sides. Market goers are then welcome to chat with Jim and learn insider tricks and techniques.

These free demonstrations are proudly brought to you by the Yak Ales Melbourne Barbecue Festival, which kicks off again at Flemington Racecourse 4/5 February 2017 (tickets on sale now at